Whorehouse Blues/Killers/Whorehouse Blues (Video), SPV 99783 CDS, Ger, Steamhammer, CD Promo single

Whorehouse Blues
Pictures of album artwork

L a b e l  


C a t a l o g u e  n o  

SPV 99783 CDS

F o r m a t  


M a d e  i n  


R e l e a s e d  i n  


D a t e  


  T r a c k l i s t

  1. Whorehouse Blues
  2. Killers
  3. Whorehouse Blues (Video)

Q u a n t i t y

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A v a i l a b i l i t y

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N o t e s

  According to a seller on internet this was made for the Italian market but that must be wrong because it has been available elsewhere, it has even been for sale in regular internet cd shops. Most copies I have seen has been cut outs. The cut out is made in the spine as a saw mark while they were still sealed. Some copies were also distributed with 3 b/w information pages (DIN A4) for promotion. But it does not say anywhere on the case or the disc that it is a promo and since copies have been offered for sale in regular internet cd shops it is actually probably wrong to list this as a promo only single although most copies probably were used for promotion.

C r e d i t s

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M a t r i x   n o

  (P) 2005 Steamhammer
(C) 2005 Steamhammer, a division of SPV GmbH
Distributed by SPV GmbH, P.O. Box 721147, 30531
Hannover, Germany
Made in Germany

S o u r c e s

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V a l u e

  A copy was sold on Ebay in December 2005 for EUR 29. A still sealed cut out copy was sold in January 2006 for 100 swedish crowns (about $13) on a Swedish auction site. Another one, cut out but not sealed, was sold on Ebay in February 2006 for GBP 21. In May 2006 a copy was sold for EUR 18 on Ebay. In October 2006 a copy was sold for just GBP 9 on Ebay. £38, February 2007, Ebay.

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